How to Set Up Multiple Spaces in Windows

One of the features that I love about Mac OS X Leopard is the ability to set up multiple desktop workspaces which are called Spaces. Spaces are a huge help when trying to manage lots of windows at the same time or when working on multiple projects at once but wanting to keep them separate.…

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Top 10 Mac Repair Tools

OS X Leopard IconAs Macs continue to gain market share, there is an increased likelihood that you will have to support them if you are a tech. And even if you aren’t a tech, it’s good to know which tools are the best to use when it comes time to repair your own. I have put together a list of what are, in my opinion, the ten best repair tools for troubleshooting, diagnosing, and repairing a Mac.

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How to Become a Certified Mac OS X Leopard Technician

OS X Leopard IconApple certifications are some of the fastest growing certifications in the industry and becoming an Apple certified tech is a great way to make your resume stand out from the crowd. With the release of Leopard, Apple has been updating their certification program to support their new operating system. I would like explain these newly updated certifications and show you what is required for each one so you can be on your way to becoming a certified Mac OS X Leopard technician.

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Top 10 OS X Leopard Tweaks

OS X Leopard Icon I have compiled a list of my top 10 personal favorite OS X Leopard tweaks. These tweaks not only beautify Leopard but are also sure to give you a much better user experience.

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Prevent DS_Store and Trashes Creation On USB Drives

If you are like me and you use your flash drive between your Mac and your PC then you have probably noticed some extra files that Macs leave behind when you open it up in Windows. These files are usually titled .Trashes, .DS_Store, and various other dot underscore files, which are called resource forks. After…

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